Tuesday 16 December 2014


Global talk required on the topic. We are not safe. Anywhere anytime anyone could be the victim of terrorism.

We need to talk with terrorist globally to resolve the issue. Don’t forget terrorism never belongs to any religion. All the nations should come forward to handle the terrorism peacefully. Because, war can produce only the war against war. Communication is only one way to minimize the terrorism. We need to understand why a huge number of peoples are ready to kill innocent peoples and are ready to be killed. We have to understand, and then only we can move towards peaceful world.
It is simple to attack on any country on the name of terrorism, but can we stop the terrorism in this way?

No, never, these wars always produce more terrorist to terrorize the people, more terrorism.

If we want to stop terrorism, we need to understand the cause of terrorism. Kill terrorism not terrorist.

The entire religious people think for a few seconds what our religion says, it never says to kill human being. God never says to kill human being for me. Then what we are doing with each other on the name of religion or God. We can’t above the God, we can’t give anything to God, and we can’t shelter God. We can give only thanks to God for making us a human. So please don’t terrorize the people on the name of God or Religion.

We are fighting with each other right from beginning. Kill the terrorist who is inside you. We have to start with our home, we terrorize our child to do the things what we want. That child grows and starts doing the same. Remember every action has reaction, when we suppress anything; it always wants to come back to its original condition forcefully. Same happens on bigger level after war or during war, one party is suppressed by other, and when they found the opportunity they reacts. Before reaction, they spoil the brain of others for their own reaction to gather the strength for attack. And in this process they use everything, they include name of God, use some Great People’s name, religion and many more. Purpose, to take the revenge against what happed with them or their society. It continues as a cycle. So please kill the terrorist who is inside you to kill the terrorism.

Just because of few peoples, why all innocent are suffering? We don’t want war. We want to live in better world, and we all together can make it. Come forward and communicate with each other. Stop terrorism. Don’t misuse the name of God.

All the nations and UNO are requested to come forward to talk over the issue and how peacefully it could be resolved, they need to find the way. To attack on any country is never going to be a solution; it’s just like a reproduction of terrorist. Especially UNO has to come forward and take its own decision (It is a Worldwide Organization, not for the few Countries), UNO should not permit any country or organization to attack (War) on any country. UNO has to play a big role in this issue, UNO has to speak, and UNO has to show its strength. UNO has to break its silence to save human & humanity.

We all believe in God, go to Temple, Mosque or Church for worship because for peace and prosperity. We believe that all of as made by God, if we believe in God than why we don’t believe in his creatures. Why we are against God, why we killing or destroying the things those are created by God. How we can say we believe in God, start thinking about it, you will find that you are absolutely against the God.
Stop war, stop killing innocents to stop terrorism. No one born terrorist, situations make him terrorist. Kill those situations to kill terrorism.

Time has come when we all need to talk seriously, truly, honestly and ethically over the topic “Terrorism”. We have to kill the Evil of Terrorism; otherwise terrorism will kill human & humanity. We have to kill terrorism.

We have to condemn terrorism at all levels, at House level, at School level, at National level and at World level. We have to start today for next generation’s peace. We need to start with our home. Don’t terrorize your children, don’t terrorize your students, don’t terrorize your citizen, and don’t terrorize human being.

Yes we need to start the journey of “Being Human”. A day when all we become a human being, terrorism automatically will die. To kill terrorism start to be a human. Start believing in God truly, you will start believing in his creature. Start loving God; you will start loving his creature.

It is very simple to be a Human, we all do difficult jobs, please starts this simple task for being a human. Start the journey of Being Human. We all together make the world beautiful for our next generation.

Terror against Terror is also Terrorism


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