Saturday 6 December 2014

The Magic of Om Mantra

The Magic of Om Mantra

“[Om Purnam] is one of the most significant statements ever made anywhere on the earth at any time. It contains the whole secret of the mystic approach towards life. This small sutra contains the essence of the Upanishadic vision. Neither before nor afterwards has the vision been transcended; it still remains the Everest of human consciousness. And there seems to be no possibility of going beyond it.
The Upanishadic vision is that the universe is a totality, indivisible; it is an organic whole. The parts are not separate, we are all existing in a togetherness: the trees, the mountains, the people, the birds, the stars, howsoever far away they may appear – don’t be deceived by the appearance – they are all interlinked, all bridged. Even the smallest blade of grass is connected to the farthest star, and it is as significant as the greatest sun.
Nothing is insignificant, nothing is smaller than anything else. The part represents the whole just as the seed contains the whole.”
One of the most profound meditations is the chanting of the OM mantra.  There are many meditation techniques that use the OM mantra, and in today’s article you will find an excellent variation below.

Om is the most sacred sound in our Universe. It represents the basic Shakti energy field that forms the substratum of all existence. The goal of chanting Om is to realize Shakti and become Shakti. While reaching this goal, you can enjoy excellent health and many other benefits by simply chanting Ommmmm……
I learned this exercise from a vibrantly healthy Chinese man who had long white hair tied back in a ponytail. I met him on the street in front of a Taoist Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
He told me, “When I was a young man, I took a long journey up into the Himalayas on a Spiritual quest. The only thing I learned was how to chant Om. I’ve never had a sick day since then”.

3 Phases of Om
The Shakti energy field is composed of the smallest energy particles in existence. This particle field underlies everything in our universe. The particles flash out of, and disappear back into, emptiness so fast that their life span cannot be measured. All phenomenon in our universe is created from Shakti particles, sustained in Shakti and disintegrates back into Shakti.

The sacred sound of Om encompasses all three phases of energy:
  1. Creating (Brahma)
  2. Sustaining (Vishnu)
  3. Disintegrating (Shiva)
When you chant Om as described in the exercise below you are:
  1. Creating new energy to rebuild yourself on all levels.
  2. Sustaining your presence in the universe.
  3. Disintegrating away old, unneeded, stale energies, leaving you clean and refreshed.
Pronunciation & Vibration of Om
  1. O –long O sound, short duration.
  2. m –short m sound, very long duration.
 The long O sound lasts for a very short period of time with your mouth open.
The short mmmmmm…… sound lasts very long with your mouth closed. (It continues as long as you are breathing out.) Send the sound vibrations up your nasal passages with your exhaling breath to vibrate the bone in your nose.
Ommmmm……. While vibrating your nasal bone.
The vibration of your nasal bone is THE most important part of this exercise. No benefit accrues without this vibration. The vibrating nose bone is the magical tool that sends waves of Om energy throughout your entire system.

An Om Exercise

  1. Chant the sacred Om sound aloud for one mala. This vibrates all your cells, detoxifying and recharging them.
  2. Chant Om in a whisper for one mala. This cleanses your emotions.
  3. Chant Om silently for one mala. Continue chanting in time with your breath, sending the silent sound into your nasal bone. This vibrates your etheric energy body. Ultimately you will see the Shakti particle field.
Chanting Om purifies you on all levels. It dissolves away the obstructions that are preventing you from experiencing reality and gaining Enlightenment.

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